“Luces del cuerpo” is an art and science project created by the San Vicente Foundation, a family of entities caring for life, which was born in 1913 thanks to the solidarity of the people and which has been working for the health and dignity of Colombians ever since.

The importance of Digital Philanthropy

The links through cooperation and donations with San Vicente Fundación are fertile ground for dreams that become projects, for projects that become realities: those realities where we make possible new hopes for health in a highly complex environment. Each year the Foundation receives an average of 100,000 patients and has cared for nearly 60,000 children, mostly from low-income families, with critical and cronical illnesses in an open-door hospital.

What is Luces del cuerpo?

“Luces del Cuerpo” is a collection of sixty amazing artworks created by eight artists. It explores the idea of the body through an immersion in San Vicente´s foundation archive of diagnostic images. More than 11.000 images from MRI scans and other revealed lights that also symbolize human, social and scientific stories of care.

Add your block to our cause!

Luces del Cuerpo is inspired by the technologies used to look inside the body for diagnostic purposes, to expand the imagination, to resonate with new approaches to corporealities, and to make art and science an opportunity to re-signify life. Each of the MRI images in the archives of San Vicente Fundación is more than a diagnostic aid, a human, social and scientific history of care, and a collective trace of the search for wellbeing. Be part of this first collection, and be a pioneer in digital philanthropy in Colombia.

The team behind Luces del cuerpo

“Our purpose is to enhance life in our society”

San Vicente Fundación is a private non-profit entity founded in 1913 in Medellín, oriented to the provision of health, education and research services. Inspired by humanism, respect, leadership and solidarity, it fulfils the legacy of its founders to be the Hospital of quality and warmth for the inhabitants of the entire region.
Know all the artists behind “Luces del Cuerpo”. All of them in their unique style, manifested light through the bodies.

Luces del cuerpo Road Map

Launching of the NFT collection “Luces del Cuerpo”, 60 curated works of the highest creative level. The adventure of light through bodies begins in July 2023.

Legalization of resources and issuance of donation certificates. At this point, each NFT holder will be added to the list of first “Lights of the Body” donors.

Start of the DePhilanthropy community.

Exclusive event for NFT holders of the Body Lights collection.

Launching of the NFT collection “Luces del Cuerpo”, 60 curated works of the highest creative level. The adventure of light through bodies begins in July 2023.

Start of the DePhilanthropy community.

Legalization of resources and issuance of donation certificates. At this point, each NFT holder will be added to the list of first “Lights of the Body” donors.

Exclusive event for NFT holders of the Body Lights collection.

Luces del cuerpo Creative process

Only these invisible lights
can offer some clarity.
The millimetric stillness of a patient who is even asked to stop breathing.
What resonates in a look inside the body?
The sensation of being examined like a shy little snail under the magnifying glass of a curious girl.

Be part of Digital Philanthropy, make your impact in our world


Help us build a better world

Be one of the first to purchase one of the 60 works of art that will serve as a means to raise sufficient funds to expand our philanthropic mission in Colombia.


The Human body reshaped by light

Be the owner of unique pieces of art, with amazing creative processes that will change the way you perceive the body while supporting the philanthropic vision of the project.


We honor your donation

By becoming a collector of “Luces del Cuerpo” you will be a pioneer in our philanthropic project through Web3, and your name will be remembered in a commemorative plaque.



Colombia is in great need of your support to improve the quality of life of hundreds of low-income citizens. Through Luces del Cuerpo, your support improves the ecosystem, positively impacts the lives of citizens and enriches life.